WCGS to Continue E-Learning Through the End of 2019-2020 School Year

WCGS School Community,

Many of you have probably heard that Governor Pritzker announced this afternoon that Illinois schools will remain closed for the remainder of the 2019-20 academic year. This was not unexpected. We want you to know that the administrative team will be processing this decision and its impact for WCGS moving forward.

Please remember this – We realize that there are a number of activities at the end of the year that are highly anticipated by students and families.  Although we cannot replicate them in the same way, please know that we have already begun to brainstorm how we can create memories through a different avenue with our WCGS community.

From the moment we began our off-campus e-Learning, our administrative team began to investigate how we could prepare a plan that would not just satisfy the short-term needs, but also the long-term needs of our students and families. We certainly would not choose to do school through an e-Learning experience; however, we do believe that with some of the recent changes we have made, we are set up well to be able to deliver content and provide feedback in a way that will be the most beneficial for your family through the end of the school year.

We can do this!  We miss you all so much, and this announcement certainly struck an emotional cord throughout the community.  But we also know that we can get through this together.  We will continue to depend on our Savior, lean on each other, and encourage one another!

We will communicate to you more next week with specifics on how this will impact the remainder of our school year.  

"But I trust in you, LORD; I say, ‘You are my God.’  My times are in your hands" – Psalm 31:14,15a

With care and concern on behalf of the WCGS Administrative Team,

Steve Clum, Head of School 

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