Boys’ JV & V Basketball SWAC Tournament @ Timothy Christian
Boys' JV & V Basketball SWAC Tournament @ Timothy Christian
Boys' JV & V Basketball SWAC Tournament @ Timothy Christian
Boys' V Basketball Game vs. Annunciation Catholic (WCGS)
Boys' JV Basketball Game vs. St. Petronille (WCGS)
Girls' JV Basketball Game vs. Timothy Christian (WCGS)
Girls' V Basketball Game vs. Timothy Christian (WCGS)
Girls' 6th Grade Basketball Game vs. Timothy Christian (WCGS)
Boys' JV Basketball IESA Regional Game (WCGS) - Time TBD
Boys' Varsity Basketball Game vs. St. Mike's (WCGS)
Boys' JV Basketball IESA Regional Game (WCGS) - Time TBD
Girls' JV Basketball Game vs. Schaumburg Christian (WCGS)
Girls' V Basketball Game vs. Schaumburg Christian (WCGS)
Girls' 5th Grade Basketball Game vs. St. Petronille (WCGS)
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