Class of 2024 Commencement

Yesterday evening, the WCGS community gathered for Commencement to celebrate the graduating Class of 2024! They have evidently grown in stature during their time at WCGS, and it is our prayer that they have also grown to be Christ-Centered, Critical Thinkers, and Community Builders as WCGS has sought to lay a faith-filled foundation for their futures. 

Six 8th grade students shared their testimonies, and it was a joy to hear all that the Lord has done in and through them. They shared multiple verses from scripture that they desire to serve as a foundation for their high school years. The students expressed gratitude to the faculty and staff at WCGS who invested in them and set Christ-like examples they desire to emulate. God’s Word and character were faithfully taught during their time at the school as each subject was infused with a Biblical worldview!

 The 8th grade class also presented their class gift to express gratitude to the WCGS community! Last year, the Class of 2023 gifted equipment for a space outside of the Junior High doors to enhance the student experience and community building. This year, the Class of 2024 decided to enhance that space by donating money towards sports equipment, flower pots, and landscaping around this well-loved area now called the Junior High Patio. They hope that future junior high students will love the space as much as they have over the years.

There were wonderful vocal and instrumental ensembles performed by the students before welcoming Mr. Eric Ollila , School Dad, to share the Commencement address. Mr. Ollila commissioned students with three specific goals from the apostle Paul, as recorded in Colossians 2:7, to help them thrive as they transition from WCGS to high school: STAY GROUNDED, KEEP GROWING, BE GRATEFUL AND GENEROUS. 

As Mr. Ollila unpacked the first goal, stay grounded, he explained the importance of remaining deeply rooted in God and His word. Through highs and lows, he challenged students to view their faith as an anchor, stabilizing them through all they experience. As he looked towards the graduates, he said, “Know who you are and Whose you are. You’re a child of God created for a purpose and loved by Him unconditionally.” Next, he encouraged students to keep growing intellectually, socially, emotionally, and, most importantly, spiritually and gave practical examples and tools to grow in each category. The final goal Mr. Ollila shared with the graduates was to be grateful and generous. Colossians 2:7  concludes with “…abounding in thanksgiving”. He said, “Gratitude is an outward expression of an inward reality within you.” When one understands God’s generous gift to them, generosity will naturally flow from their heart. Gratitude produces action.

He concluded by sharing “Remember these principles that are rooted in Colossians 2:7. These will keep your heart and mind in Christ and will get you through the many adventures that are about to come your way. “

We are so proud of you, Class of 2024! As your next chapter unfolds, it is our prayer that you would walk with Jesus and invite others to do the same! 

You are invited to enjoy the Commencement program HERE.




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