Administrative Team
Head of School
Mr. Jeff Brooke (WCGS ’98)
M.A. Education; Concordia
M.A. Ministry; Crown College
B.A. Taylor University
With WCGS since 2019
Mr. Marc Painter (WCGS ’97)
M.A., University of Phoenix; B.S., Taylor University. Experience: WCGS since August 2005.
Director of Curriculum and Instruction
Mrs. Susan Macaluso
office: x 230
Director of Curriculum and Instruction
Mrs. Susan Macaluso
M.S. Ed., National-Louis University; B.S. Gordon College. Experience: KinderCare Learning Center, Salem, MA; Takamine Junior High School, Kitakyushu, Japan; Kennedy Junior High School, Lisle, IL; Jay Stream School, Carol Stream, IL; WCGS since August 1998.
1st Grade Aide, Speech-Language Pathologist
Mrs. Kendra Bratt
office: x 520
3rd Grade Instructional Aide & Academic Specialist
Mrs. Jennie Cathey
office: x 286
Jr High Bible Teacher/ 8th Grade Homeroom
Mr. Mike Cherry
office: x 266
K, 6th, & 7th Grade Spanish Teacher, 5th Grade Instructional Aide
Mrs. Michelle Clousing
office: x 213
Academic Specialist, Multi Media Literacy Teacher, Lunchroom Supervisor
Mr. Andrew Gruden
office: x 283
Jr High English Teacher/7th Grade Homeroom
Mr. Daniel Huttenlock
office: x 280
Student Services Director (6-8) & School Social Worker
Mrs. Mandy Jasper
office: x 272
6th Grade Teacher & Spiritual Formation Specialist
Mr. Eric Johnson
office: x 268
Multi Media Literacy Teacher & Education technology specialist
Mrs. Julie Jones
office: x 288
6th Grade Teacher, STEAM Coordinator & Jr High Coordinator
Mrs. Jacqueline Lauriat
office: x 254
Jr High History Teacher/7th Grade Homeroom
Mr. Jake Lindstedt
office: x 284
Jr High Literature Teacher/8th Grade Homeroom
Mrs. Jackie Messer
office: x 287
Orchestra Teacher & 7th/8th Music Foundations Teacher
Mrs. Emily Mittlestaedt
office: x 262
Athletic Director & Physical Education Teacher
Mr. D.A. Nichols
office: x 256
7th & 8th Grade Concert Choir, 6th Grade Music Foundations
Mrs. Delena Ollila
office: x 217
Kindergarten Aide & Lunchroom Supervisor
Mrs. Erin Partain (WCGS ’14)
office: x 526
Jr High Math Teacher/8th Grade Homeroom
Mrs. Jennifer Rodriguez
office: x 234
Jr High Math and Leadership Teacher, Student Leadership & Outreach Coordinator
Mr. Michael Simon
office: x 214
Jr High Science Teacher/7th Grade Homeroom
Mr. Luke Spradley
office: x 229
Jr High Math Teacher & Academic Specialist
Mrs. Nicole Todd
office: x 237
Student Services Director (K-5)
Mrs. Heather VanWagner
office: x 293
2nd Grade PM Instructional Aide
Mrs. Maddy Williams (WCGS ’13)
office: x 534
General Music (4-5), Band, Jazz Ensemble, 6th Grade Choir
Mr. David Wright
office: x 257
Administrative Assistant to the Head of School
Mrs. Lauren Fortosis
office: x 212
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