Why WCGS Feels like home to the Donahoe Family
Moving your family to a new state comes with a lot of changes. When the Donahoe family relocated from Ohio to Illinois in 2018, they were looking for a school that would provide their youngest daughter a Christ-centered education that would grow both her heart and her mind. With mom, Paige, being involved in Christian education her whole life as a student, parent, teacher, and administrator, she knew what she was looking for in a school and had high expectations. She and her husband came across Wheaton Christian Grammar School while searching online and decided to visit along with a few other schools that were in the area.
After visiting all the schools, it was clear that WCGS was where they wanted their daughter Reese to be for school, and they could not have been more pleased with the decision. After Reese’s first day of school, she came home expressing the friendliness of her fellow classmates, the welcoming atmosphere, and how helpful her teachers were. Although Paige and Michael were nervous about her transition to a new school, they knew their daughter felt at home.
But it’s not just Reese who feels right at home, it’s her mom, too. On the first day of school, she attended the Parent Welcome where she was able to connect with other school parents and sign up through the Auxiliary for volunteer opportunities throughout the year. Paige regularly gives back to our community by serving lunches, helping on popcorn days, and participating in our Women’s Bible Study and Mom’s Prayer Group. These turned out to be not only good volunteer opportunities for her but a great way to meet other parents. By doing this, it made her feel like they had been a part of WCGS for longer than just one year.
“We view our child’s education as a partnership with the school, church, and our family, so we feel we should volunteer wherever we can to do our part. We want to be a part of helping WCGS continue to be a great school, and the volunteers are a big part of that.”
The Donahoe family feels blessed to be a part of the WCGS community. Since Paige volunteers regularly, she is able to witness the students being immersed in a Christ-centered environment where showing God’s love to others, living out their faith daily, and being responsible stewards are just as important as doing your best academically. “We feel that WCGS is one of the best Christian schools that provides this type of Christian culture and also delivers academic excellence,” said Paige.
Transitions can be hard, but at WCGS, everyone in our community is treated like family, and we work hard to make sure it is a safe place for people to call home.
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