Ways to Flourish, Thrive, and Survive During E-Learning
The morning school bells are now ringing in homes as school and families are working in tandem. In times of unexpected change, the rhythm of life has been altered and while there are inherent challenges and disruptions, there is hope and excitement for making the most out of the e-learning experience. The social-emotional well-being of WCGS students is the heart of our educational practice. Here are five suggestions to support your child’s heart at home while focusing on comprehensive wellness.
Commit Your Day to the Lord
God is sovereign in all times and the spiritual discipline of a devotional will ground students and family for the day. Remember to access the daily devotional on the WCGS website which the school community is doing together. In addition, consider listening to some worship songs. There have been songs like In the Eye of the Storm and Is He Worthy? on the hearts of our faculty and staff. Connect with a school family and share what songs the Lord has been placing on your heart. Ask your child what their favorite worship song is and listen to it together.
Maintain a Daily Schedule and Use An Analog Clock
Setting expectations and structure frames the day for a child and is one of the best ways to support e-learning. Use the schedule suggested by WCGS and place it in your home where your child can easily view it throughout the day. For younger children having a picture schedule of the day may also be beneficial. You may find it helpful to add expectations before school and after school. In addition, the use of an analog clock can support students with time management as they can view the passage of time (digital clocks don’t allow students to visually see the passage of time). The analog clock can also be used to check “midway” points to keep students on track. When a schedule is followed it provides comfort and consistency for the day and shows the value of learning.
Health for the Body and Soul
It is normal and expected to have a rollercoaster of emotion for parents and children during this time. Maybe you have experienced tears, anxiety, and a sense of a loss of control. It is helpful to recognize that there will probably be glitches and our bandwidth may be stretched in many ways at home and beyond. Take time to validate those emotions and acknowledge them. Then, make a plan to do something healthy like praying, taking a deep breath, eating a well-balanced diet, getting enough sleep at night, and connecting with others by phoning, Facetiming, and sending mail. Seek opportunities to have humor and laugh; look for sensory opportunities to engage in your environment like petting your animal, flipping through your photo albums, listening to music, and baking something yummy in your kitchen.
It’s Time to Move and Experience Nature
Isolating socially from the community can cause feelings of sadness, depression, and anxiety. To help combat these emotions, it is crucial for bodies to keep moving and get fresh air. Think about ways to be outside with biking, walking, and running. Head to the prairie path and listen to the sounds of nature and do a scavenger hunt. If the weather won’t allow you to be outside, consider using Go Noodle for some movement fun.
Think Outside the Box
There has been a multitude of unique, educational opportunities arising during this time. For example, the Cincinnati Zoo is offering a Home Safari and author, Mo Willems is offering “Lunch Doodles” over the web, Sick Science videos, and Scholastic offers something fun, new, and interesting for all ages. While devices can bring new content and experiences into the home, look for additional ways to learn and connect beyond the screen. Consider doing a family bake-off, new science experiments, sending snail mail to a classmate or relative, creating a skit-night, making an art project, and playing family board games. It is important to activate your brain in creative ways. Reclaim family time in unexpected ways; this is a special chance to seize the opportunity!
If you are looking for more strategies and suggestions on explaining COVID-19 to your child, here is a WCGS post with resources.
While we don’t know the exact timeline of this pandemic, it is helpful to remind ourselves that it is temporary and there still is community during a time people feel isolated. We are the body of Christ, and will spur one another on in love and good deeds, in our home and extended WCGS family. Let’s stay united, connected, and involved with one another by reaching out to someone today. The Lord is at work and reigns always!
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